Entries Tagged as 'audio'

J. Balance

J. Balance from Happy Drummers on Vimeo.

An experimental animation project inspired by a poem.
This is a personal technique combining 3d animation and an old printer.

Music: Batwings (A Limnal Hymn) – Coil
R.I.P John Balance

“Galactic Drift” by Phillip Wilkerson


This piece is the very definition of Deep Space Music. I was near the end of
a 1-hour float and felt my body was opening up quite nicely… even laterally
as opposed to the normal head-to-neck elongation, then, this piece kicked in
on the speakers.

Instantly I was cast into expanded awareness. GNOSIS. Silent ecstasy. And the
first hit of this piece was just the beginning. Inner space is unlimited as
“Galactic Drift” reveals. Deeper, deeper, ever expanding into realms
beyond description.

Spacecraft – “Earthtime Tapestry”

On the best space music songs by one of the best space music bands.


Arecibo – 3C147 Beyond The Heart Of Space

Spark up that phatty, pump this motherfucker up to 10 and blast the fuck outta here!

“Interloper” by Carbon Based Lifeforms

Fuken Grooven. Pardon my Scandinavian. 🙂

Deep space synth from Korgator

Loscil – Mute – Last.fm

Loscil – Mute – Last.fm.

TMA – Modulus I – music for The Deep Self

Abend-Impressionen – YouTube

Abend-Impressionen – YouTube.

“A Journey through Space” – David Parry


Galaxies, nebula’s, stars and planets from the Hubble space telescope, artist’s impressions and various telescopes with spaced-out music