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solid you dissolves in epsom salts

It's amazing how you go into a float thinking you know just what you are. And then the tank melts away large blocks of SOLID YOU.

Layer upon layer of apparently you dissolves with no effort on your part. I have not ever managed to float daily for even 1 month, but I think I need a silent resolve to undertake this.

For only by changing my description can the world around me change – conscious effort is vanity – pre-etheric self-description is the only surefire approach.

Rookiefloater has a go

http://groups.google.com/group/floatationtank/browse_thread/thread/6947d2eebafe123f  is a long thread started by rookiefloater… a person who is trying to build his own tank


TMA – Modulus I – music for The Deep Self

There are no caveats to floatation

A recent tank log:

Once again, many thanks to John C. Lilly for his invention of the float tank. I love the tank and I love my Magic Carpet Sound Table

tank plans – freetroy

Freetroy posted these instructions to the floattalk mailing list… also see http://groups.google.com/group/floatationtank/browse_thread/thread/c974a53d50616754

I’m doing my best to keep track of all open source free tank designs… so far, there is mine, don corsemeirs and freetroys…

The category tank plans should have them all.