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it's just a matter of letting go

I spoke with a swimmer today. She said that she could float in a bathtub if she felt like it… while I need epsom salt to stay afloat, she says you just totally let go. If you tense any muscle, then you sink immediately. She doesnt hold her breath or anything.

it’s just a matter of letting go

I spoke with a swimmer today. She said that she could float in a bathtub if she felt like it… while I need epsom salt to stay afloat, she says you just totally let go. If you tense any muscle, then you sink immediately. She doesnt hold her breath or anything.

stay and float just a little bit longer

I was listening to Adrian Juarez’ “Amilcar” — all 47 minutes of it… now, normally when the music ends, my float ends. But today, my body was screaming for me to stay.

And the real unwinding began. For the first time, there was some loosening in the groin area. Typical opening up of the left shoulder blade. And some nice extension in the neck as well… over and over these areas showed me how I was holding loads of unnecessary tension.

When your body wants to mis-align, let it

I was in my tank and all sorts of “acceptable” levels of tension was dropping away. And I again make the common mistake of thinking I have relaxed completely and am ready for perfect posture. And then my body releases into a curve to the left… completely asymmetrical and unstraight. And for a moment, I’m tempted to “right” my body… thankfully, I honored the body’s wisdom and let it hang out like that for awhile, eventually it came back to “correct” on its own.

How nice when you can get out of the way of yourself!

the neck issues improve and reveal deeper weaknesses

I have been using muscular tension to strap my body together. As I relax, all of my skeletal weaknesses emerge. They are mainly in the cervical area and even in the neck itself.

This is a fascinating trip of recovery.

When I float

I feel like this:

Image by Jean Luc Bozzoli 

"Galactic Drift" by Phillip Wilkerson

This piece is the very definition of Deep Space Music. I was near the end of a 1-hour float and felt my body was opening up quite nicely… even laterally as opposed to the normal head-to-neck elongation, then, this piece kicked in on the speakers.

Instantly I was cast into expanded awareness. GNOSIS. Silent ecstasy. And the first hit of this piece was just the beginning. Inner space is unlimited as “Galactic Drift” reveals. Deeper, deeper, ever expanding into realms beyond description.

Instead of reading about intergalactic travel, or watching Sci-Fi, the unlimited heavens are now at your fingertips.

 Download your free copy now.

Constant exteriorization the only consistent explanation

Right now, you *think* that YOU are reading this message. Later tonight, you will have a dream where you *think* that certain things are happening to you. So the thinker aware of these various YOUs is the only consistent viewpoint.

hey, my neck hurts!

Floating is usually about getting rid of pain, but today I am experiencing a pain that I used to have. At one point, I had difficulty moving my neck to the right after being backsided. Now, since then, this only cropped up once.

I suppose floating is completely unwinding me and things that I had covered up are now being uncovered.

open little spine, won't you open?

today Mother Water was gently tugging at my lower spine. It hurt a few times as she brought me into line. Over and over she gently teased apart my bunched together muscles…

I listened to music while in the tank. I will have to do more of that!