Entries Tagged as 'healing'

Imprinting the Water in My Floatation Tank with Positive Vibrations

Masaru Emoto was a pioneer in the research on how psychic intention can affect molecular structure of water. A few videos illustrating the power of words to affect water positively and negatively are:

  1. Rice Experiment Shows Water Has Feelings! (Masaru Emoto) (youtube.com)
  2. Masaru Emoto – Water Experiments (youtube.com)

I had some conversations with Shane Stott when ZenFloatCo was active about this topic. He had never heard of it before. As you can see, I am on a mission to be happy and am imprinting my floatation tank water with such a vibration:

I have a few other irons in the pot to achieve happiness. For instance, I do laughter yoga barefoot on the earth for 30 minutes – this allows negativity to drain out of the body.

As I float daily, I am dropping into deeper and deeper bliss. I can only imagine how having positively structured water is going to affect me in and out of the tank.

Silva Mind Body Healing

Fascinating data on how the mind can play a bigger factor than any physical/chemical substance we use to help ourselves. Free mp3 which will induce the alpha mode in you:http://www.silvamindbodyhealing.com/

Great to play in a floatation tank.

cancer patients should float!

In the early 90s the London Float Centre was featured on TVAM one of

the main UK breakfast TV shows. They did a great piece on floatation,

interviewing me and showing the presenter enjoying the experience of

floating. After this 2 minute clip they interviewed myself plus one of

our clients in the TV studio. The client was being treated for cancer

and told of her story and how much floating had helped her. How it

allowed her to go to that beautiful place deep inside her where

everything was all right. How it gave her strength and had helped her

through it all. She also said that since she had recovered that she

continued to float regularly. It was an emotional but centred and

heartfelt expression which really touched a lot of viewers.




fibromyalgia success story!

From a float center in panama:

I've been diagnosed with PMR, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, an inflammatory
disorder of the muscles that is thought to be the result of an immune
Symptoms I've experienced are severe bodywide aching and stiffness of
my muscles, extreme fatigue to the point of being bedridden for
several days at a time, and when out of bed, a feeling of weakness.  I
just didn't ever feel well for the past two years.
In addition to the PMR, I have arthritis, as well as, injuries to my
neck and back from years of being an admitting psychologist in a state
mental hospital.
Prednisone is the drug of choice for this condition but the side
effects are almost worse than the pain.  No amount of Prednisone
helped my symptoms.
Had my wife not booked us both appointments at Driftaway Panama as a
birthday present to both of us, I would not have made the effort to
travel from Coronado to Panama City.
After my first 1 hour session in floatation, I felt 95% relief of pain
symptoms in my muscles and joints.  Three days after that, the pain
started to return, so I returned on the fourth day for another
floatation.  I have gone as long as 2 weeks between floatations
without the return of the original pain.
Another change after floatation was the feeling of well being,
probably from the natural endorphins that have been studied and found
to increase with REST.

Marvin Turl, age 70, Coronado, RP – February 14, 2009
IL Licensed Clinical Psychologist