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anus, the final frontier

I listened to Jeffrey Thompkin’s “Gamma Meditation” during this float. I still got a wealth of body extension while integrating sensory input. Mother Water setup a point-counterpoint sonata in my spine tonight. She would open up the right rear thoracic area. Then the right rear sacrum. Then back to thorax. Then she spread open a triangle from sacrum to thoracic area. And then she worked on my right shoulder.

Finally, she showed me how chronically tensed my anus is, with the promise that time will open even that area.

floating, the nutritious delicious meal replacement

For some reason, floating seems to lower my need for eating. Of course, due to education and fear, I still shove something down my throat, preferably raw as cooked food is starting to appear more and more senseless every day.

striations – walls of fury

So, I keep noticing these lines of tension letting go. It seems to me that they are where I was struck as a child.And they just keep letting go at their own pace. This floating thing is truly amazing. A perfect blend of technology and Mother Nature. A perfect blend of help from others (Mother Nature) and work on self.

When you try to work on yourself, you can throw tie yourself in knots… shoot yourself in the foot. Miss crucial points because you cant see your whole self objectively. When others work on you, they miss things because they see things differently than you.

Here, we have Mother Nature in water and salt, who never misses the perfect chance to wash away debris, add more salt, dissolve more tension. She is your perfect therapist, setup brilliantly by Dr. John Christopher Lilly! God bless his soul!

2.68 demo

2.68 DEMO: There is a difference between WISHING for a thing and being READY to receive it. No one is ready for a thing, until he believes he can acquire it. The state of mind must be BELIEF, not mere hope or wish. Open-mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage, and belief. DEMO: In this case THING is a thriving floatation tank center. I have _wished_ for such a center many times. I have looked with envy at Tim Strudwick’s center. I have heard the rave reviews of Frank and how many clients he was able to bring in. Now all of that _wishing_ was a way of looking at it as something I simply could not have. What they had was ->there <- and I was here… Now, on the other hand, completely unlike *wishing* we have *ready to receive*… when we are ready to receive, we BELIEVE! It is not -> over there <- it is OWN ITS WAY TO ME!!!!

It's not the Creator we have to appease…

It’s the fact that we can create whatever we WANT.

a float never bottoms out

Tonight, I got into the tank. As usual, I started by smoothing out the ping pong. Then I progressively began to insure that the head-neck region was fully relaxed.

it was at this point, that I began to wonder why I ever got into floating. It seemed that I was there as relaxed as could be, wasting time in salt water.

this apparent “mastery of relaxation” held up its veil/charade for a good 15 minutes to 1/2 hour.

And then the sky caved in.

I began to exhale deeply. And draw in air deeply. And hold air for long periods of time with no effort. However, the air above the tank was cold and I needed to pee. So I had to cut this session short just as it was getting good 🙂

I have high expectations for what lies beyond all my tension. And only time will tell!

Float and grow rich…

This time, it is going to happen. I can make it. I want to offer floats for 20.00 each or a fixed rate per month. I want people to be able to start their own centers. I want to be rich and make others rich. And truly happy and knowledgeable.

This will make John Lilly’s brilliance shine again… THE QUIET CENTER.

Shakuhachi under Franklin Merrell-Wolff

Franklin Merrell-Wolff wrote a text with John Lilly – “Pathways Through to Space” — it is fairly fun to play Wolff’s talk “High Indifference”and simultaneously play some Shakuhachi Flute underneath. 

a most unusual session – transition from physical to psychological

To date, most of my float sessions involved deeper and deeper degrees of physical relaxation. Particularly along the spine. Today was the first day where deeper things “relaxed”.

I started out waiting for loosening to occur in the neck region but noticed it was already quite loose. Then nothing happened further down in the lower spinal areas either.

But then, recent memories began to play back. But what was odd is they (the visual pictures) began to elongate, much like my spine does when it relaxes — I suppose all the charge was being knocked out of them.

And then I had something of a nightmare. It is hard to remember it. I recall some sort of crashing about. And cords being disconnected. It reminded me of how Neo would sit in the chair when entering the matrix. The odd thing was I was not “me” in these nightmares. I was something like a computer chip or a chess piece – the things I use the most.

I gained the usual physical benefits… oh one more thing.

After the nightmare ended. I decided to try to visualize a red ball in front of my eyes. Instead there was a red band with white slashes in it. Someone said: “we’ve been needing to communicate with you. Come back tomorrow for more information”

Late that night

When I dosed off to sleep on land that night, I had a dream that I was floating and while I was floating I had another experience which I can no longer recall… wow.

On Land

“On Land” is the subtitle of Brian Eno’s album “Ambient 4” — basically being on land after floating was quite uncomfortable for awhile. However, just now when I stood up, I felt good connection from my feet to my head without any particular part bearing the majority of the weight.

Those of you with backgrounds in Alexander or Feldenkrais know the feeling.