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in a moment of surrendering to no-thought

I entered the tank with the objective of getting spinal elongation. As usual, I started out getting my head-neck area relaxed. Then I kept relaxing this area more and more. Eventually the coccyx separated from the sacral area. Then later, I got that whole-spine separation that I was looking for.

I decided to just stay in for a bit longer to relax a bit more. Then, before I knew it, thought was dropping away. And I let it. Then more thought dropped away. And I surrendered. Then my body was limp and free of all action. And for a few brief seconds, I was looking up at my body from below it.

serious stomach pain all day

A day ago, I really pushed hard to sleep in the tank, putting in about 5.5 hours. The next day I had general discomfort all through the upper body. It seemed like my biochemical balance was being righted too fast for me to adjust.

Undaunted, I went in for what was at least 6 or 7 continuous hours last night. It was _great_ when I came out. And then in my shower, this rubbery black gunk was rubbing off my arms. And then a by morning time, I had this serious stomach pain.

Being on the the warrior diet, I eat raw all day and eat my omnivorous cooked meal at night. Last night, I ate something I dont usually eat. Pasta with sphagetti sauce and some cheese that I really dont think was so great.

I also follow the Hulda Clark bowel maintenance program. And I took my Betaine Hydrochloride first thing in the morning. And after that is when the pain hit.

This pain has been interesting. I called this girl who is a healer and requested distance healing. Before we could get to the healing, i kept feeling better and better and better. I actually _saw_ that some aspect of me was remembering that I am supposed to be sick and kept trying to return me to the sick state.

Eventually my memory of illness won out and I went back downhill, but not into doubled-over pain. I got some ginger trips from Whole Foods (ginger and vitamin b-6 as Pyrodoxine HCl) and that made me feel better.

Now, I think the worst part is over. I’m going for some foot reflexology healing tonight and have 3 hours before I go… I really would like to float, and I am going to wait until I am drawn to long-term tank sleeping. I was really pushing things because I wanted to experience the thngs I’ve read in the archives here.

So I’m going back to 1 – 1.5 hours per day until I truly feel more is helping and not rushing.

Reflection on Watsu

Watsu water therapy appears to be embraced by the occupational therapy community.

The thing about floating is that the body fixes itself. It seems sad that the only thing acceptable to insurance companies is something where a therapist has months or years of book learning… or maybe I am wrong. Is there a common medical practice that insurance companies cover where the body fixes itself?

The lack of a therapist is what I like about floating. Therapists have different levels of skill. And they can have an off-day. The water and salt never have an off day or reduction in skill level.

That being said, Harold Dull has a very comforting voice.

That was a nice nap.

i really dont know how long i was in the tank. but man was that a great session. i came out and realized i needed to invite trishaluv to a soul gazing session.

in the shower, this rubbery black gunk came out through my skin.

Water – mirrors more than just images

In my first float at spacetime tanks, the tank revealed to me all of my upper body tension. It was horrifying how clinched my entire body was. It only took the water showing me what i was doing wrong to fix it.

you CAN have too much of a good thing

I planned to sleep in my tank tonight. I did the first session and had to come out to urinate. Then I went in for a second session and it started getting a bit hot in the tank. I feel very odd. I feel like I have not slept, but I dont feel sleepy. Also, I feel like my body chemistry is “too improved for its own good” —

This is definitely a case of too much too soon. Everything about what happened is positive, but it improved me too fast. Best to return to daily floating for 1 or 2 hours and stretching it out to 3 or 4 on the weekend… eventually your love for the tank will grow in harmony with your ability to assimilate its merits.

Then sleeping becomes a possibility.

perky and snappy!

Well, today was my first day of substituting my float tank for my futon… I came home at lunch, feeling a bit low-key. So instead of collapsing on my futon and waking up in a funk 1-2 hours later, I did a float.

And here I am fresh as a little spring chicken. bock bock bock!

I am Alpha and Omega

I am good. I am bad. I am weak. I am strong. I am health. I am disease. I am hope as well as despair. I am all that ever was, will be, and is RIGHT NOW. I am THAT I am.

When I see a person who looks this good (USE YOUR IMAGINATION)

You want to play the good guy. dip out of the zero sum game and be the positive. Ignore the fact that polarity drives everything, from procreation to electricity. But towards completeness I trek… for I AM ALLLLLLLLL……

“Cosmic Lullabies” by Doc & Lena Selyanina

I had this album on while I was in my floatation tank. I was drifting in and out of consciousness, then all of a sudden right in front of my field of vision, I beheld a golden sphinx-like head and it had golden stars above it.

It was an incredible vision. But only just as incredible as this excellent music.

Cosmic Lullabies is the sixth album from the Finnish ambient producer Doc and the Russian pianist Lena Selyanina, cosmic and meditative in its style and spirit.

The opening track Bell Meditation is a pure meditation song based on huge bell sounds that resonate and vibrate for extended periods of time. Gradually rising ethereal echoes from sacred eastern choral tradition mix with the bells to form a calm and majestic cosmic setting, perfect for deep relaxation and meditation.

The starting point for Neptune was Lena’s beautiful impressionistic piano improvisation moving in G# Minor, “the bluest of musical modes”, as Lena puts it. The piano then gets surrounded by a mysterious and meditative ambient soundworld. The entire 17 minute song can be interpreted as a long, symbolic probe-like dive through the blue, dreamlike gas layers of Neptune to ever deeper and darker realms, all the way down to the solid rock and metal core of the planet, and from there back to the starlight.

The final track Andromeda is an ambient voyage into the majestic sphere of our neighbour galaxy.

objective criteria for improvement … or just float to your heart’s content?

1 – the Yoga sutras state that yoga is cessation of un-necessary mental activity. However, these same sutras list a number of abilities that accompany genuine enlightenment: many people have developed deep relaxation through floating and other practices but I wonder if their relaxation is the genuine deepest, given that there are very few people with the abilities…

I ran across Nicolai Levashov – http://www.levashov.info/Video/Telekinesis.zip
who in this video demonstrates moving a glass without touching it. he also claims to have stopped forest fires and more.

I’m watching his healing videos – they have stunning deep space visuals and 70s synth music backing his healing motions on the videos. You can download and watch them for free… be sure to finish session one because session two has even better deep space visuals… it only takes 10 days to finish the first session – http://www.levashov.info/Video/video-en.html

2 – The main reason I like scientology so much is that each level increases awareness but also requires an increase in ability: Scientology is about putting you at cause instead of at effect. And increase your ability to cause anything, including the creation of universes. So you move along the time track, through universes, towards first cause and along the way you regain your abilities and awareness of what you really are.

3 – Other systems (advaita, zen for instance) are quite content to say awareness is all there is. Me personally, I prefer objective yardsticks for how close my awareness is to the supposed initial causative awareness.

Moving on to the body, take a look at these photographs of body use:


The alexander technique has very fixed rules about what constitutes correct body use (contrast with Feldenkrais, which is way more floatey (grin)) .. and workable results which improves people’s quality of life.

I’ve been wondering if I need something other than relaxation. If I really need to measure up to some standards of body and mind usage which show that I have truly truly improved.

When it comes to body use, I am into Alexander. When it comes to use of myself as a spiritual being, i am into (Freezone) Scientology. And both for the same reason: objective, graded criteria for improvement. Floating on the other hand, has only the Timothy Leary criteria: tune in, turn on, drop out 🙂