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cancer patients should float!

In the early 90s the London Float Centre was featured on TVAM one of

the main UK breakfast TV shows. They did a great piece on floatation,

interviewing me and showing the presenter enjoying the experience of

floating. After this 2 minute clip they interviewed myself plus one of

our clients in the TV studio. The client was being treated for cancer

and told of her story and how much floating had helped her. How it

allowed her to go to that beautiful place deep inside her where

everything was all right. How it gave her strength and had helped her

through it all. She also said that since she had recovered that she

continued to float regularly. It was an emotional but centred and

heartfelt expression which really touched a lot of viewers.




Deep gains, superficial hellfire

So, I’m in the tank and I’m having worrisome thought after worrisome thought. But as usual, these thoughts do not take root. And I become aware of deep holding patterns in the thoracic area between the shoulder blades…. it takes awhile but they melt, they melt.

The acidic hellfire is superficial, watch it run with nowhere to take root! And praise for the deep gains. The lasting traction. The urge to join Barbara Cherington’s Club 365 is but a smouldering flame… an inner mounting flame… watch it grow watch it grow!

Holely (sp!) Spirit?

Maybe true spirit is nothing but holes. Women have more holes than men. They fuckin’ rock.

San pedro kicks

I took San Pedro 6 hours ago. It had no effect because I was dripping in acid… I finish my float, down a little blood purifier and chase it with OJ.

HOLY SAN PEDRO makes his Kingly Entry!

And he is ever-present even NOW!

Acid diet, acid thoughts

I am having a lot of burning in my mind and body OUTSIDE OF THE TANK. It seems that the tank is not doing it’s job, but it’s not so!

The next post on deep/superficial and the one ofter that on tortoise/hare will cover that fallacy.

I have followed many many diets and currently have respect/interest in these:

  • liquidarian – consume any liquid. your body is a natural juice extractor. eating is an indirect way of juicing… why chew 50 times when you can get a juicer to do it for you? eating is out-moded, 20th century stuff!
  • zone diet – balances carb and protein at every meal in order to balance the hormones that eating each triggers… it was a very precise diet plan and it did work. it was very meat oriented. either that or soy. and in all cases, cooked oriented. invented by a Ph.D in biochemistry from MIT, Barry Sears.
  • warrior diet – the roman warriors knew that to stay alert, they should not eat during the daylight hours. now, if you must eat during daylight, make it raw and make it small! at night, you eat your carnivorous dead kill!
  • raw food – interesting, but a bit too scientific. and we know the limits of science dont we? perspective, spectrum, partial information, created versus creator
  • macrobiotics – the crowning achievement of cooked food veganism. story after story of healing. and very oriented towards pH
  • the pH miracle diet – pH is what I think is most important… the author of the book the pH miracle makes one mistake: he thinks fruit is acid-forming but Frederic Patenaude sets the matter straight.

So anyway, lately, ever since my rebirth session, I have been bringing myself down, down, down. I went there a teetotaler – 3-4 months of liquid dieting. Then in 24 hours I was eating all sorts of tasty cooked delicacies and pissing off the gracing of spiritual power I received. Now Lawanna was very adamant about raw while I was there. But I think pH is the more deciding factor.

So, yes, I am embroiled with acid thoughts. Bitter thoughts. Salty thoughts. But when your diet is not sweet and light, what do you expect?!

Neutral Space – the overlooked Quiet Center

Neutral space is powerful – without it, no objects could be separated. And with no objects there could be no events.

So many people get excited over what is happening in neutral space, never giving credit to the most essential ingredient of the experience.

I am about to write 3 other blog posts, but I need a re-orientation towards neutral space to ground them.

Nithyananda was great in his talks about neutral space. Check him out on youtube.

The Power of Relaxation

Floating makes you more and more and more relaxed… first physically, then mentally. Take a trip with me as we see that so many paths see this as their final goal:

From the Zen Mountain Monastery we read:

Scattered mental activity and energy keeps us separated from each other, from our environment, and from ourselves. In the process of sitting, the surface activity of our minds begins to slow down. The mind is like the surface of a pond – when the wind is blowing, the surface is disturbed and there are ripples. Nothing can be seen clearly because of the ripples; the reflected image of the sun or the moon is broken up into many fragments.

Out of that stillness, our whole life arises.

Normally, at rest, a person will breathe about fifteen breaths a minute – even when we’re relaxing, we don’t quite relax. The more completely your mind is at rest, the more deeply your body is at rest. Respiration, heart rate, circulation, and metabolism slow down in deep zazen. The whole body comes to a point of stillness that it doesn’t reach even in deep sleep. This is a very important and very natural aspect of being human. It is not something particularly unusual. All creatures of the earth have learned this and practice this. It’s a very important part of being alive and staying alive: the ability to be completely awake.

The human mind is basically free, not clinging. In zazen we learn to uncover that mind, to see who we really are.

Club 365: Phase 1/12 complete

Barbara Cherington floated every day for a year:

After floating for one year daily (and reaping the benefits) I’m now selling my tank and its components because I have to downsize

I finished 1 month of floating today (probably a bit more than that). So I am 1/12th of the way to being able to say the same thing.