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odes to sensory deprivation – ECKANKAR

A friend of mine (minorwork) on Facebook provided some text books which offer techniques and discussion of subtle body separation/analysis: 

Inner Work: Using Dreams and Active Imagination for Personal Growth by Robert Johnson. Or my fav. Experiment in Depth by P.W. Martin which is a look at the “separation” from three perspectives. Jung for technique. Historian Arnold Toy

nbees assessment of its influence in history, and T.S. Eliots view from one who has accomplished the “withdrawal and return.”

On 2/25/2011 2:18 AM, Terrence Brannon wrote:

I continue to use the term ‘sensory deprivation’ even though Lilly made it clear that only certain people who had not done tank work themselves used this term.Technically, we are liberating ourselves from the distraction of physical senses. From ch.11 in “The Spiritual Notebook” (The Higher and Lower Powers) we read further confirmation of the power of Sensory “Deprivation”

Consciousness is beyond the worlds of thought. It is the foundation of ECK, and the whole of ECK teachings. It is the explanation for the difference between the mental and Soul plane. It is the hardest dividing line to cross. … The secret of entering into the consciousness state is detaching one’s self from the outer, or sense world, and withdrawing one’s attention from all sensory objects. Then the chela begins to concentrate his attention on something inside. So far this is the general method of all systems. But the secret is that the mental world — which consists of the tools of thought — and every plane below it, comprise the negative worlds.

Hmm, so after separating physical from emotional and emotional from thought, we must also separate thought from consciousness. Arunachala Ramana of AHAM.com said the same thing: “the only spiritual practice is separating thought from awareness. Anything else is not worthy of the title of spiritual practice.”

odes to sensory deprivation – ECKANKAR

I continue to use the term ‘sensory deprivation’ even though Lilly made it clear that only certain people who had not done tank work themselves used this term.Technically, we are liberating ourselves from the distraction of physical senses. From ch.11 in “The Spiritual Notebook” (The Higher and Lower Powers) we read further confirmation of the power of Sensory “Deprivation”

Consciousness is beyond the worlds of thought. It is the foundation of ECK, and the whole of ECK teachings. It is the explanation for the difference between the mental and Soul plane. It is the hardest dividing line to cross. … The secret of entering into the consciousness state is detaching one’s self from the outer, or sense world, and withdrawing one’s attention from all sensory objects. Then the chela begins to concentrate his attention on something inside. So far this is the general method of all systems. But the secret is that the mental world — which consists of the tools of thought — and every plane below it, comprise the negative worlds.

Hmm, so after separating physical from emotional and emotional from thought, we must also separate thought from consciousness. Arunachala Ramana of AHAM.com said the same thing: “the only spiritual practice is separating thought from awareness. Anything else is not worthy of the title of spiritual practice.”

“there’s nothing happening” – oh yes there is – overcoming the chief block in meditation

I had a friend who took an initiation. He wasnt happy with the system because he felt that nothing was happening when he did the meditation. I have two responses to this#1 – the tank always awaits a chance to loosen you

I just finished an hour in the tank. For the most part I was certain that “nothing was happening” and guess why? Because I was locking my body into place in the tank. The second I relaxed just a bit, the tank took the opportunity to loosen all sorts of muscle groups – across the spine, up and down the sides, the neck, you name it. Then I started pointing and flexing my toes and one toe would not flex back as fast as the rest – it had a mini Charley Horse. But then it worked its way out.

I was literally creating a limited tank experience by holding my body fixed. The tank destructured me and exposed my attempt to create a limited body-tank relation.

I’m so impressed with the ability of the tank to loosen up the physical body that “floating”, the secular term for what we do, is called “loosening” in the vocabulary of my religious organization devoted to floating [0]

#2 – expect the unexpected instead of filtering your environment

The instructions to John C. Lilly from E.C.C.O. [1] were: “Expect the unexpected every moment 24/7” – when you simply sit down and expect the unexpected, then your awareness expands and all sorts of trivial things you would never notice come to your attention – the refrigerator turning on, an ant walking across the rug, the wind rustling outside, a cabinet door creaking. You realize that “you” typically are a stick in a fast flowing river of phenomena.

But the ego is so focused on filtering the environment so that only stimuli which enhance/threaten survival come to your attention, that you actually dont even notice 1% of what is usually happening!

#3 Praise to Lilly

We results-oriented Westerners would not have ever had a crack at samadhi (samadhi being that crack between events which allows us to create and control as we learn to widen the GAP) because we are so fixated, locked down and focused. The whole lot of meditative experience has been gifted to the West thanks to the bold research efforts of John C. Lilly.

# References

[0] http://git.thedeepself.org/definitions/#loosening
[1] http://www.evolver.net/user/drongo23/blog/dr_john_c_lillys_earth_coincidence_…

Further odes to sensory deprivation

Chapter 3 in “The Spiritual Notebook” by Paul Twitchell (founder of ECKANKAR)  provides more rationale for liberating oneself from the physical senses: 

“… the inner universe cannot be realized unless we are able to separate Soul from mind and physical senses, and visualize Truth directly.” 

later in the same chapter, Twitchell describes the 3 common states of deep sleep, dream, and waking. The he says:


“The next ascending step is the immortal state. Once we have taken this step we have consciousness of the higher planes where all things are subtle and Truth is the Ultimate Reality. At this stage the brain and the physical organs cease to operates … only by our spiritual senses do we function within these worlds.” 

still later:


“The nine doors of the outer world are (list of orifices and sense organs… he omitted the skin)… all attention must be withdrawn from these lower doors and placed upon the spiritual eye.” 



“When Soul passes through the spiritual window it enters into the astral world. We cannot see this world with physical eyes, but instead we view everything on this plane with astral senses. This is true of every higher plane we pass into.” 

I tried focusing on the 3rd eye during my last float but I fell asleep. Maybe I should play HU in the float room to tune myself to the God worlds? Oh yeah, in ECKANKAR you need the help of the Living ECK Master to guide you to the Soul plane. You could only get to the mental plane by yourself – you would never cross the great void – http://santmat.livingcosmos.org

neural shock from relaxation

I finished my Bikram Yoga. I get home and my body is pleading with me: “get into the tank NOW”

So I put up my groceries and flop right in… oops! Let’s unplug those heaters first.

So I’m in and drifting off to sleep. Then I feel a sharp electric-like jolt in the neck. I think: “oh god, i left something plugged in”

But then I get a grip and realize that electrical shock is not that selective – the whole water body would’ve been electric.

So I settle back in and it happens again and again and again… about 4 times total.

I think some long-held tension was releasing.

I leave the tank fully recharged and ready for the day.

The ability of the tank to detect tension and release it is simply amazing: THANK YOU JOHN C. LILLY!

yogic room ; suffocation

I’ve been having a lot of lucid dream experiences in and out of the tank recently.

Outside of the tank, listening to “The Dreaming Gate” by Inlakesh is quite effective. Another thing which is effective is to follow the instructions that Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj gave to Nisagadatta Maharaj: “attend to the sense ‘I am’ and to give attention to nothing else.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nisargadatta_Maharaj) … a lot of times before I know it, I am swept into a situation where I am operating a subtle body outside the laws of Planet Earth. Now, astral journeys like this are not the goal of that technique, but it has been happening quite a bit because of it.

This morning, I finished my Bikram Hot Yoga class and came home eager to float. So I jumped in. The usual profound loosening of the physical body commenced… it’s simply amazing how the tank finds your tight spots and opens them up. Eventually, the subtle body was free of the physical and the following occurred:

I was browsing a web page. Some spiritual group was having spiritual seminars and I found their local ashram and went for a lesson. They were teaching some sort of breathing technique. A rather chubby girl in red exercise tights began to demonstrate how she could work the breath up her body. She would squeeze the breath into her body and moan in sexual ecstasy. She did this about 5 times.

That ended the instruction. Then a student next to her made a snide comment about Ashtanga Yoga. He said it was ridiculous to think that asanas had to be done in a certain order. Then an older lady who appeared to be the only teacher in the room started gently discussing the actions of both of the boy and the girl. Then a guy in sandals and Indian garb walked over and started sprinkling talcum powder over the floor.

I could see it was time to go, so I rose up to leave… and suddenly I felt as if I were suffocating. I had no idea how to get air. I was on my back. I knew if I flipped over I would not have enough air to make it. I dont exactly know what I did to get out of this situation. But I did notice that the amount of air in the tank was quite low so maybe the sensation of low air created an entire fear drama.

The containment tank is only 16 inches high. So trapped CO2 and no circulating oxygen could be an issue for long floats.

version 2a

Pratyahara Tanks is the worlds first completely open source tank manufacturer. Our tank is constructed from 100% off-the-shelf parts. All construction details (tank plans) are publicly available.

To build a pratyahara tank is simple.


  1. 2 360 gallon containment tanks – one will hold the water, one will serve as the top of your tank
  2. A large number of parts listed in my amazon store. I also recommend Doctors Foster and Smith because of their excellent return policies, technical expertise, and low prices on next-day Saturday delivery.
  3. 7 pieces of plywood
  4. 2-inch thick styrofoam
  5. 2 inflexible rods – used to prop up the tank top while adding salt. pvc or hard wood dowels 4 1/2 feet long are good – picture … this is during your build phase. Ultimately you want to attach drawer guides (glides) between the bottom and top tank so you can slide it top as shown in this picture
  6. a hydrometer to measure salinity of the water. I suggest the VWR Precision Specific Gravity Hydrometer with specific gravity range 1.240 to 1.310


  1. The base of your tank is a tarp, some 2x4s and 2 inch thick styrofoam – picture
  2. Then you put down one containment tank
  3. Then place the 2 aquarium heaters in the back of the tank (towards the part where you plan for your feet to be). I would suggest that all electrical outlets be protected against ground fault.
  4. Then place the pondmaster pump/filter just in front of those heaters
  5. Put the 2nd containment tank on top of the first – picture
  6. Drill holes in both tanks and slide a cinch through the holes to make your hinged door – picture , picture 2
  7. Fill the tank: start with just a few inches of water, enough to cover the heaters. Let that get up to 94 deg F, making use of an external thermometer as reference point. Then add more and more water. But never more than 250 gallons total. See the calculations for how to convert inches of water into total gallons as a function of the tank dimensions.
  8. Salt the water. Slowly. 1 bag at a time, with advice from ask floattalk to help you.
  9. Unplug all electricity and float


The Tank Room

A nice tank room that can be comfortably heated is wonderful. Here are other things to consider about the room itself.


Here is a formula:

watts / volts = amps

since most houses are 120 volts and 15 amps, this implies that you can pull at most 1800 watts of power. So buying 2 1000 watt aquarium heaters is not going to work with standard setups: I know, I threw my fuse breaker when I tried. I have 1 1k watt and another at 300 watts and so far that is fine.

You could re-wire the power from the breaker to the power supply with a different guage wire, or get dedicated wiring, but the purpose of this project is to make everything work with off-the-shelf standard parts and settings.


3 feet longer and wider than the tank seems to be an absolute minimum


A restroom near/attached to the tank room is very convenient.


Get two 360 gallon containment tanks from NTOTankOutlet.

Tank Framework

Lay down a tarp

You need to get the tank off the floor with some 2x4s. And then put 2-inch styrofoam over that. A floattalk thread discusses this in detail.

Next, simply put the two containment tanks on top of each other like this:

Then drill holes in one side and cinch the top to the bottom on one side to create a hinge like this:

I actually think padlocks are better than plastic cinches because you will find yourself taking them off and on to situate the heaters and also when you drain the tank for cleaning you will need to take off the top. Finally, some people are claustrophobic and would prefer to float without a top.

Spa Pack (pump/filter)

In order to filter the water and warm it, you could get an electronic spa pack from a place like SpaGuts.com but you will need dedicated wiring for that.  Instead, we have to go with a sealess mag drive pump and filter modules.

I’ve found 2 good choices (LifeGard Aquatics and Pondmaster) and I went with pondmaster


Here’s the data sheet and here’s your link to Foster’s and Smith. And where would we be without me trying to get a commission with an amazon link:

LifeGard Aquatics

  • we want a sealless magdrive pump that can deal with 350 gallons of saltwater (though we will only have 250)
  • we a triple capacity mechanical filter for particle filtering
  • we want a triple capacity chemical filter that has carbon in it
  • ultraviolet filtering is loved by some professionals. others think it is a waste of time
  • ozone in a closed space will kill a lot, but might also kill you. So let’s drop that also.
  • hydrogen peroxide will become a good friend of ours
  • weekly and monthly sanitization tips are forthcoming

Temperature Control & Monitoring

Water Thermometer

Submersible Aquarium Heater

In between floats, you need to keep the water warm or the epsom salt will precipitate. So you need a good aquarium heater for that. While 300W is just fine for 300 gallons when you speak of waterbed heaters, my experience is that it is not enough when dealing with aquarium heaters. You need 3-6 watts for every gallon of water you want to heat above 80 deg F. Let’s use 6 watts since we have salt water, whose specific heat capacity is lower than plain water. But on the other hand, you can only have about 1800 watts of total heating at the max. I suggest 1300 to 1600 watts of total heating power. So you’re going to need two 800 watt heaters, one 800 and one 500 or one 1000 and and 300/500 or some combination like that.

Now, there are 7.5 gallons of water in a cubic foot. And so we have the various gallons of water that we can deal with based on total wattage:

  • 1300 watts => 216 gallons of water
  • 1500 watts => 250 gallons
  • 1600 watts => 266 gallons

Epsom Salt

Crop Production Services (sometimes aka Agricultural Garden Supply) is a good place for salt. Look for a place that sells lawn fertilizers. And be sure to check floattalk.

Then setup your spa pack for intake and discharge by adding some piping.

Then heat the water to 104F (the maximum the spa pack is legally allowed to do) and gradually add salt.

Testing for Salinity

You can get fancy and buy a salinity pen, but you can also get the job done for just 10 bucks with these two products:

Filling the tank

First, start with about 3 inches of water. NO SALT. Then submerge your two heaters. Make sure you can get that up to 95 degrees.

Your maximum height is based on how many gallons of water you can heat. Let’s say you can heat 1500 gallons of water. Since there are 7.5 gallons of water in a cubic foot, we can use unit cancellation mathematics to see who many cubic feet of water we can heat:

(1 ft^3 / 7.5 gal) x 250 gal = 33 ft^3

Now the tank we have it quite wide, so the water will not be very high. Let’s convert cubic feet to inches and see how many cubic inches we can afford to heat. 33 cubic feet is 57,024 cubic inches. Now the tank slopes, but the given width and length are 93″ and 69″. So let’s multiply those together and divide that product by 57,024 to get the height available to us. The result is 8.8 inches. Most people recommend 10 inches, but I think we can get by.

Let’s do the 1300 watt calcs

216 gallons is covered by 28.8 ft^3

1 ft^3 = (12 inches)^3 = 1728 inches cubed

therefore 28.8 ft^3 is 49766 inches

So we have 7.75 inches of water available at 1300 watts. That’s not very high. I’ve done it, but dont recommend it.

General Comments


Foster and Smith Aquatics has an excellent return policy and incredible rates for next-day delivery on Saturday (and boy do they deliver!). When you are experimenting, you want a company that doesnt make bones with you when returning/exchanging/returning things.

Total cost

  • two containment tanks: 655 + 190 S&H = 850
  • spa pack with mechanical filter, no ozone: 400 + 50 S&H = 450
  • submersible aquarium heaters – 360 + 9  S&H = 370
  • water thermometer – 8.00 + 7 S&H = 15

The total cost is 1700.00. Most tanks will run you 2000-3500 used. Then we can add in epsom salt for 300 bucks for a clean 2 grand for the whole deal!

Optional Products

You might want a shockbuster, although you will probably opt to float with all heater power off: