Drawer glides (guides) – your one stop shop for opening and closing homegrown tank doors
http://www.ultimatehandyman.co.uk/forum1/post338608.html#p338608I got lucky. REAL LUCKY. To make a long story short, drawer guides work fine to open/close the tank:
The longer story is a Lowe’s employee was very nasty to me as I tried to pick his brain about how to solve my problem. I began to review my Advaita Vedanta teachings that I am just a character in a dream and what happens to this body doesnt matter. I began to contemplate reporting him to his boss. I decided to talk to him heart to heart but he was busy. So I began to look at sliding doors and windows trying to figure out how to do this. Then Carlos comes sauntering by:
and he says “hmm, maybe try drawer guides” … and that was just the ticket.
I suppose by remaining neutral instead of going on the offensive when attacked, I managed to find the neutral space where all creation begins and manage to make lemonade out of lemons 🙂