Levels of Attainment in Kwan Um Zen
I sometimes practice with the Kwan Um School of Zen in South Florida. Yesterday, I asked the president about the various levels of “achievement” in Kwan Um Zen. Here is what he said:
lay people
like me, I just come there but have no level of attainment or responsibility.
5 precepts
Some people take the 5 precepts
Dharma Teacher in Training
This is a minimum of 2 years and involves reading and learning. You have to complete 8 weekend retreats.
Dharma Teacher
Based on an additional resource, once one becomes a Dharma Teacher, you take 5 more precepts.
Senior Dharma Teacher
After a minimum of 5 years and taking the 16 precepts, you are now in a position of service to the temple.
Ji do Poep Sa Nim (Dharma Master)
This person has:
- gotten all 14 koans (kong-ans) right
- They go in front of diverse teachers in public
- They engage in dharma combat in public
Zen Master
Zen Master occurs based on a relation between the master and their student.
Purpose of ths post
Although this blog is about isolation tanks and isolation, I will be blogging about Kwan Um Zen at some point
[…] That being said, most such inquiry takes place is a decentralized, isolated fashion. Also, unlike organized spirituality and religion, there are no recognized levels of achievement. For instance, in Buddhism, one might have a certain ranking based on how many koans you have solved and eventually you might earn the title of Zen Master. A striking example of having to certify spiritual attainment at multiple levels occurs in Kwan Um Zen Buddhism, where one must pass through 5 levels of attainment before becoming a Zen Maste… […]