Black Sabbath – Solitude

Thanks to Sulev for posting this.

Skyrider 575

My friend Caryn Schlosser had a nice aerial sky trip photo on her Facebook page.

“Solar System Control Unit” by Doron Yablonka

r/streetwearstartup - Vintage Tee inspired by John C. Lilly

A creation by Doron Yablonka (instagram, reddit) that was posted to Reddit. He has the t-shirt available for sale through everpress.

Cover of Hsin Hsin Ming

From the interpretation of the Hsin Hsin Ming by Eric Putkonen.

Stephen Ugo Rosin – Milk Machine

One of the best dark-ambient productions of “Mr. Fist” – Stephen Ugo Rosin:

Turn it on and let it grow…. or fast-forward to Stimulator, where it really starts to turn your brain inside-out.

Just climbing out of the tank?

this provides a nice ramp-up from the utter void… eventually moving into Carbon-Based Lifeforms / Sounds from the Ground territory without ever getting that heavy on the beat.

Ode to Sensory Deprivation: Won Buddhism

There is no comparision with ANY sensory pleasure if you experience this samadhi concentration. It is greater than any sensory pleasure.”

— Ven. Chung Ohun Lee, Ph.D. at 16:38 in the YouTube video.

I’m studying at the Won Buddhism temple of San Francisco. I’m blessed for it to be right around the corner from my dwellings at 2379 18th Ave. My yoga center and my meditation center are right near each other!

And Ven Sung Ha Lee gave me the secret:

Keep the length of the inhale and the exhale the same length. Control the breath and you control the mind. First focus on the coccyx, then on the tailbone, then the area below the navel as you inhale and exhale the same length. Start with 2 seconds for the inhale/exhale. Then lengthen to 3 seconds and keep going. Soon you will get out to twenty. This is your gateway to samadhi.

Blasting off in 3, 2, ….

Spark up a phatty to this

Kubuschnitt – Cube (2000)

“Sunlight of Oneness”by Phillip Wilkerson

More excellent atmospheric textures to enjoy from Phillip Wilkerson.