[thedeepself] Floating and training the mind to understand its freedom.

Yes, body-mind addiction is an epidemic, so much so that the real is taken to be imaginary and the unreal is taken to be solid and based on fixed law.

Floating is the most guru-free self-driven way to Self-realization ever created. LLJCL. I speak from experience not theory. But always brought attention back the self I think I am.

That being said, Jun 23 – Jul 1, I will be doing an 8-day intensive retreat in the tradition of Ramana Maharshi's Self-Inquiry meditation:

Without an environment of people focused on that goal, I tend to noodle about in the astral, gain causal power and remain in loops everywhere below the Ocean of Love and Mercy… trying to gain freedom as an individual instead of freedom from being an individual. I've resolved to float every day and never have managed more than 2 weeks in a row… 

definitely the first thought is: "I am this body" and it is the cause of all suffering. 

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 8:03 PM, John <alwaysalready1@yahoo.com> wrote:


The deep self is free . The deep self is not a body.The deep self is not an ego. I believe we can know and live beyond our obstructed sensory experience which is basically a prison created by a bodily experience.We are not a body we are free and floating can teach us that fact. WE are unobstructed consciousness totally complete and whole. We can live outside the box of sensory experience and live in freedom and complete happiness.Anyone want to agree with me or have any other ideas about how we can train our mind to live beyond its limitations. Without a thought i am free and thought was not…. in enjoyment it expired.

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