Entries Tagged as 'experiences'

a band of saran wrap unstretched

Totally wild. When I finally quit counting breaths in the tank and decided to let the tank goto work on me, at one point it felt like my entire back was a sheet of Saran Wrap and the tank was gently pulling it apart!

float tank is a portal to hyperspace

I have been doing a meditatoin intensive all weekend – http://www.ohfloat.com/?p=94

and finally quit doing zen in the float tank. in a float tank, your mind naturally moves to the non-clinging state. why sit there and cling to the breath and body? So I finally dropped that.

Did some reading in Center of the cycle and then Programing the Human Biocomputer.

I started a float session.

I appeared in a basketball gym. I was showing the person there how I could do pirouttes and fly to the gym ceiling. He didn’t care.

I decided to come down and travel this time without a body. So I put my body on the ground and then left it… next thing I knew. I opened the door to my float tank and I was in someone’s backyard. I was afraid I would be seen nude there so I left.

I arrived in a place where my tractor was in the way. I watched a person bulldoze it out of the way. I followed him along the dirt road (this road is similar to a road I saw when I was a little kid – I suppose we have some way of re-stimulating and re-assembling memories from former points in time for some reason or the other).

then I saw my pickup truck and two other trucks up front. Then I came hurtling back to this dimension. I was flipping over and over… kind of like those chickens you see on rotisserie racks….. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. I was choking on water and spitting it up in the next moment.

Then I finally got back to this reality… whoa!

many tanks to Kane of floatmatrix.com for his 2 yields 3 philosophy.

my head likes to lean to the left

I can imagine no other system of holistic bodywork which allows the body to be as it is. All others start by putting you upright (horrible for muscles) or laying down (a little better) with the body as it is when perfect. Only floatation says “body show me wherre you are now and let me do the rest”. Feldenkrais comes close when they say we are naturally asymmetric. But even so, they start out with you lying straight. Now my own mind was telling me to be straight for most of the time in the tank… which is why a sleeping session in the tank is so valuable.

shattering the well-being illusion

As I write this, I feel “fine” — but it only takes an hour or so in the tank for me to realize the issues I have in my left shoulder blade. And I am so amazed by the power of tank to smoothly correct them.

The lesson for me is: float when you feel like and float when you don’t. In either case, there is work to be done, but you simply dont see it.

I was on a first-name basis with Silence today

Today I put on Symphonies of the Planets when floating and boy oh boy. I went way out. And at one point the sounds stopped and I felt like I was watching stillness. I was completely still and just basking in stillness. It was comfortable.

In the midnight hour, more, more, more

One reason I dont want to run a highly commercial float center is that floating is a very personal experience and people may need time to recover. Or they may need to float some more.

A day or so ago, after a long float I came out onto land… and my body was whimpering like a weaned puppy dog. It implored me with all its heart to return to the tank, which I finally did. I never felt such agony and pleading for something in this body in 38 years.

just when the brain is getting bored…

I was laying there thinking… “ok I’m totally relaxed… and this is getting boring… so I’m getting out.”  Then, a tennis-elbow like pain startled to whistle through my elbow clear up to my scapula. and down my left side.

And after it had cleared I began to have fantasies of striking out baseball players and being a great bowler — clearly cellular memory detoxing itself.

Aural exhalation part II

Today, when I reached a good point of relaxation, I began a series of moans… “oooooohhhhh” , “aaaaahhhhh” — getting out that unseen tension via sound…

However, I must admit that methodic use of the Silva Ultra Mind System brings you to a much deeper relaxation methodically.

Thus, I think I will start using it regularly.

World Floatation Day #1

That float was totally beyond words….

I might get in trouble for this, but most religious groups have communal services more than once a year.

That was POWERFUL. My skin is ringing, vibrating, tingling. Head, arms, legs, back… this is wild. Almost like someone is holding a vibrator all over me. I felt like some sort of voltage was passing through me for most of the float. Some sort of intelligence… completely tweaked out float… Floating already owns but this was way beyond what a float normally does.

Jesus Christ.

baseline stress levels

I found out yesterday that I owed 11,000 in taxes. Now normally, I dont float for anything mundane like stress relief, but as soon as I got home, I turned up the heat, stripped off my clothes and DIVED into the tank. And normally, I like to satisfy my mind with  a bit of music or a guided meditation, BUT NOT THIS TIME.

The only thing I wanted was to get away from it ALL…drop EVERYTHING.

And that is just what I did. I had to pee after a long time, so I came out for a shower. And my body was pleading “go back in, go back in” and go back in I did… nothing better to do on the weekend so back we go. And yes, more and more comfort even in the waking state.

This was a float to return me tobaseline stress levels, to return to my normal wigged out self instead of the near-psychosis that the tax news put me in.