neural shock from relaxation
Posted on February 20th, 2011 by jcl4ever
I finished my Bikram Yoga. I get home and my body is pleading with me: “get into the tank NOW”
So I put up my groceries and flop right in… oops! Let’s unplug those heaters first.
So I’m in and drifting off to sleep. Then I feel a sharp electric-like jolt in the neck. I think: “oh god, i left something plugged in”
But then I get a grip and realize that electrical shock is not that selective – the whole water body would’ve been electric.
So I settle back in and it happens again and again and again… about 4 times total.
I think some long-held tension was releasing.
I leave the tank fully recharged and ready for the day.
The ability of the tank to detect tension and release it is simply amazing: THANK YOU JOHN C. LILLY!
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